* The Abomunist Manifesto Bob Kaufman
The Ancient Rain: Poems, 1956-1978
The Abomunist Manifesto, written completely in scat phrases. , rivaled Ginsberg's Howl in its status as signature Beat text, and the term "beatnik" was coined by San Francisco columnist Herb Caen to describe Kaufman. The Ancient Rain: Poems, 1956-1978 includes poetry collected by Kaufman's friend, Mary Beach, during his first period of silence.
Cranial Guitar by Bob Kaufman
edited by Gerald Nicosia this book contains the complete text of Golden Sardine (City Lights, along with aufman's broadside Abomunist Manifesto,some fine poems from currently in-print collections, Solitudes Crowded With Loneliness
and The Ancient Rain and includes eight previously uncollected poems/prose poems.
Golden Sardine (Pocket Poets) by Bob Kaufman .gif)
City Lights Books (December 1967) This collection consists of poetry collected from scattered bits of manuscript found in a leather-bound valese by his friend Mary Beach after a fire in his apartment. The book's title is a portion of a phrase he had written on a brown piece of wrapping paper. These poems show Kaufman's ability to successfully manipulate a wide variety of forms, as he examines the political and social issues of his time. This book is available used or new.
Second April by Bob Kaufman
(City lights 1959)Kaufman interweaves his autobiography with historical and popular cultural
events. available used
by Bob Kaufman
published as a broadside by City Lights in 1959 and then again in pamphlet form in 1960.
Copies of this pamplet are very rare. read Maria Damon's article @ jacket,
After Bob Kaufman's death in 1986, Hirschman edited this collection of more than 50 tributes
to Bob Kaufman
(San Francisco: Bob Kaufman Collective, 1989).
This tribute is a excerpt of one of them.
by Marty Matz
(On The Death of Bob Kaufman):
More abour Marty Matz on
A Crystal for Bob Kaufman by Ira Cohen, the incomparable amazing American poet, publisher, photographer and filmmaker.
Jazz - Jail and God:
An Impressionistic Biography of Bob Kaufman
by Mel Clay
This is a impressionistic biography and is like
a long jazz riff cutting down through the
beatitudes to touch us all.
San Francisco Poems .gif)
(Pub.Little Red Tree, Feb.28, 2012)
Neeli Cherkovski said "A.D. Winans is the poet heart of San Francisco. He tells it like
it was and is".
Winans new book of San Francisco is the
best selection of San Francisco poems I
have ever had the pleasure to read.~ sfheart
* Cherkovski's latest book
From the Canyon Outward .gif)
Leaning Against Time .gif)
Elegy for Bob Kaufman .gif)
Whitman's Wild Children .gif)
Mindfield: New and Selected Poems by Gregory, Corso, new introduction by David Amram, this publication includes forewords by two legendary Beat writers, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg.
An Accidental Autobiography: The Selected Letters
by Gregory Corso, Bill Morgan , Patti Smith (Foreword)
In these letters from Gregory Corso, written in the 1950s and '60s, he ruminates on his own poetry and that of others, and reminisces about his difficult early years, which included orphanages, reform school, mental institutions, and prison.
City Lights Pocket Poets Anthologyby Ferlinghetti
Ferlinghetti and Peter Martin started a magazine called 'City Lights' and decided to open a bookstore on the floor below as a side venture, naming
it after the magazine.
The City Lights Bookstore became one of the most famous bookstores in the
world, and still stands proudly in its original location.
A Coney Island of the Mind: Poems
by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Ferlinghetti was one of the more politically-minded of the Beats, and has
been continually active on behalf of liberal causes. Ferlinghetti is still
active today as a poet and as the proprietor of City Lights.
Ferlinghetti CD
Coney Island of the Mind Lawrence Ferlinghetti CD
Her by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
(New Directions, 1960)
Poetry as Insurgent Art .gif)
Lawrence Ferlinghetti (born 1919) is not only a major American poet, he is a national icon. Through his publishing and bookselling at City Lights Books in San Francisco, his inspiration of the Beats, his steady publication of and coverage of poets both classic and avante-garde, there is nothing about poetry that he does know and in this his latest book, he shares what poetry is, could be, and should be.
'I went into the Navy as Lawrence Ferling. Took part in
D-Day and after the war I attended the Sorbonne on the G.I. Bill. ... Lots of guys did it. Spent four years in Paris, painting and translating poetry. And landed in San Francisco in 1950 with a sea bag over my shoulder.
I liked the city; it had this insular feeling, like Naples. People there are Neapolitans first and Italians second.
I came to North Beach, which was 90 percent Italian then, and I put the -hetti back on my name, and bought
a partnership in the bookstore for $500, and here I am.'
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, American writer born on
March 24, 1919, quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle, January 5, 2003
Beat by Christopher Felver
This book is the most comprehensive photography collection of the people, players, and friends of the Beat era in American literature. How could I resist? I bought it and it is outstanding!...Nicole, sfheart
The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice: First Journals and Poems 1937-1952.gif)
by Allen Ginsberg
Reality Sandwiches: 1953-1960 (City Lights Pocket Poets Series)(City Lights Pocket Poets Series) by Allen Ginsberg .gif)
Planet News: 1961-1967 (City Lights Pocket Poets Series) by Allen Ginsberg .gif)
The Fall of America: Poems of These States 1965-1971 (City Lights Pocket Poets Series) by Allen Ginsberg .gif)
Howl: Original Draft Facsimile, Transcript, and Variant Versions, Fully Annotated by Author, with Contemporaneous Correspondence, Account of First ... Pres (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) by Allen Ginsberg
Journals: Early Fifties, Early Sixties
by Allen Ginsberg 
Here are journal entries, notes, dreams, and reflections from the period when Ginsberg and his fellow Beats led the insurrection that profoundly altered America's cultural landscape.
* First Blues ~ .gif)
Allen Ginsberg | Format: Audio CD new/used
Bob Dylan (Contributor)
and Allen Ginsberg
This reissue of a long out-of-print LP is a 2 CD set spanning 1971-1981 collects Ginsberg performing 24 pieces - sometimes accompanying himself, some tracks collaborating with Bob Dylan, New York underground legend Arthur Russell, and visionary producer John Hammond. It also contains the original detailed liner notes by G insberg, and a cover photo by the legendary Robert Frank.
Release Date: Feb. 21, 2006
William Everson: The Life of Brother Antoninus
by Lee Bartlett
Everson was one of the San Francisco Renaissance poets (the Beats) and a member of the Dominican Order.This biography of explores the poet's life that began on a San Joaquin Valley farm as a young poet , later finding himself in a camp for conscientious objectors during World War II—writing and printing pacifist poems and literature from a printing press from the camp. and a monk in the Dominican Order for 18 years.One of the most controversial figures of the pre-beat San Francisco Renaissance and—of course—a key personality of the Beat Generation.
Dark God of Eros: A William Everson Reader (California Legacy) A carefully chosen selection of poems, autobiographical writings, essays, letters, handpress portfolio items and photographs that highlight the many fascets of William Everson's work and his varied life. The poetry featured is among his most significant poems from the mid-1930's through the 1990's
Where River Meets Ocean (San Francisco Poet Laureate Series)
by Devorah Major
A visionary of hope, with a heart big enough to embrace every neighborhood, street and alley in this magical and -poetical city. Here is a poet who shoots straight as Cupid's arrow. Zing! Right to the heart."-Alejandro Murguia
The Other Side of the Postcard
In conjunction with the San Francisco Public Library, poet laureate devorah major made a public appeal for poems that explored the realities of people's lives in a city as tough and tragic as it is beautiful and exhilarating. This anthology collects the best of this poetry by celebrated writers, school children with fresh eyes, homeless people and students, perceptive elders and working people from every ethnicity and class. A cross section of the city's voices offers a passionately experienced response to the city, the nation and the world.
Street Smarts by devorah major .gif)
Tau Journey to the End (City Lights Pocket Poets Series)
Philip Lamantia's mystical poems and the long-lost "Six Gallery" poems by legendary hipster John Hoffman.
This is the latest installment of the Pocket Poets Series and two long-lost books from the classic Beat period.
Overtime: Selected Poems (Penguin Poets)
by Phillip Whalen, edited by Michael Rothenberg
The degree of respect and admiration the beats had for Whalen is remarkable. He was adored by Kerouac, who found him easy to be with and confide in. Philip's nonjudgmental nature and education is probably one the keys here in that. Ginsberg considered Whalen the only Zen Master Poet practicing in America.The spirit of honor and admiration for Philip Whalen extends beyond the Beat Generation.~ Michael Rothenberg
* My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
Bay Area authors Kevin Killian, Lewis Ellingham, D.A. Powell, Robert Gluck, Leslie Scalapino, Lisa Robertson and many others pay tribute to this influential writer. (November 30, 2008)
* Poet Be Like God: Jack Spicer and the San Francisco Renaissance by Jack Spicer .gif)
Unlike his contemporaries Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and Gary Snyder, Jack Spicer was a poet who disdained publishing and relished his role as a social outcast. He died in 1965 virtually unrecognized, yet in the following years his work and thought have attracted and intrigued an international audience. Now this comprehensive biography gives a pivotal poet his due. Based on interviews with scores of Spicer's contemporaries, Poet Be Like God details the most intimate aspects of Spicer's life -- his family, his friends, his lovers -- illuminating not only the man but also many of his poems.
*The Beat Book: Writings from the Beat Generation
by Anne Waldman .gif)
foreward by Allen Ginsberg. Contributors are: Amiri Baraka, Gary Snyder, Gregory Corso, Diane Di Prima, Jack Kerouac, Peter Orlovsky, Joanne Kyger, Philip Whalen, Allen Ginsberg, Neal Cassady, Lew Welch, Michael McClure, William S. Burroughs, John Wieners, Bob Kaufman, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Also with "A Literary Guide to Beat Places" and an excellent bibliography.
*Love Works (San Francisco Poet Laureate Series)Love Works (San Francisco Poet Laureate Series) by Janice Mirikitani
Janice Mirikitani is the author of three books of poetry. She has, over the past 35 years, created and directed programs for young people and people in need at Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco's Tenderloin district.
* Bohemia: Where Art, Angst, Love and Strong Coffee Meet Bohemia: Where Art, Angst, Love
and Strong Coffee Meet by Herbert Gold
To visit what many consider to be Bohemia’s golden age, there is no better source than Gold.
Herbert Gold was awarded the Sherwood Anderson Prize for fiction in 1989. Raised in Cleveland, he has lived in various Islands of Bohemia, including Greenwich Village, Paris, Haiti, and South Beach in Miami. He is a longtime resident of San Francisco. Publisher: Axios Press (Sept. 2007)
* California Poetry: From the Gold Rush to the Present .gif)
by editors, Dana Gioia, Chryss Yost, Jack Hicks
Heyday Books; (November 2003)
CALIFORNIA POETRY is the first historical anthology to provide a comprehensive survey of California poetry. This groundbreaking new book presents the work of 101 authors across two centuries, and includes poets as diverse as Ambrose Bierce, Yone Noguchi, Robinson Jeffers, Josephine Miles, Charles Bukowski, Ishmael Reed, Francisco X. Alarcón, and Marilyn Chin. With ample biographical and critical notes for each author, California Poetry goes beyond the limits of the ordinary anthology and provides a detailed and often intimate account of the Golden State's rich but often neglected cultural history.
* New American Underground Poetry, Vol 1: The Babarians of San Francisco--Poets from Hell
By Alan Allen, David Lerner and Julia Vinograd - Editors
Paperback book of poetry from the legendary Cafe Babar from the mid - late 1980s. Many photographs included.
* Songs of Gold Mountain: Cantonese Rhymes from San Francisco Chinatown
by Marlon K. Hom
220 rhymes from two collections of Chinatown songs published in 1911 and 1915. The songs are outspoken and personal, addressing subjects as diverse as sex, frustrations with the American bureaucracy, poverty and alienation, and the loose morals of the younger generation of Americans and are arranged the songs thematically and gives an overview of early Chinese American literature.
***Beatitude Golden Anniversary 1959-2009
(Beatitude Literary Magazine, Volume 50)
edited by Latiff Harris and Neeli Cherkovski
* The City's Voice: Pioneer Prose And Poetry From The Overland Monthly (Early California Writers Series)The City's Voice: Pioneer Prose And Poetry From The Overland Monthly (Early California Writers Series)
by Devorah Knaff
San Francisco's first successful literary journal. Mark Twain and Bret Harte to Ambrose Bierce and John Muir, these authors and more are in this collection of essays, short stories and poems, published together for the first time in over a century.
* Women of the Beat Generation: The Writers, Artists and Muses at the Heart of a Revolution by Brenda Knight and Ann Charters (Foreword) Anne Waldman
Women of the Beat Generation shares the stories of the wives, lovers and literary companions to many of the founders of the Baeat Movement.The writers include: Carolyn Cassady, Joyce Johnson, Edie Parker Kerouac,Joan Burroughs, and Lucian Carr.Many other selections covering the work of Diane di Prima, Anne Waldman, Denise Levertov, Joanna McClure and others. Thisl book a must for anyone interested in Beat history from woman who loved it.
Poetry Readings in the Cellar Kenneth Rexroth
Best of Word Jazz 1 Ken Nordine .gif)
His Royal Hipness Lord Buckley
The Beat Generation various artists box-set
Voice Of: Selected Poetry & Prose
CD:The Jack Kerouac Collection3 disc Box Set
Lew Walsh
Ring of Bone:
Collected Poems
(New & Expanded Edition)
published 2012
by City Lights Books
Philip Lamantia
The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia
The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia represents the lifework of the most visionary poet of the American postwar generation. Philip Lamantia (1927-2005) played a major role in shaping the poetics of both the Beat and the Surrealist movements in the United States. University of California Press Foreword by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Edited by Garrett Caples,Andrew Joron, Nancy J. Peters
San Francisco Poet Laureate
*Recollections of My Life as a Woman:
The New York Years
by Diane di Prima 
chronicles the intensity of those years as the
Beat movement emerged on both coasts, and
the country accelerated into the sixties. Poetry, painting, dance, and theater flowed into one another, and well-known figures from all those worlds-including Merce Cunningham, Frank O'Hara, Audre Lorde, Trisha Brown, and Franz Kline-move through her story. Diane Di Prima was a deliberate single parent at a time when that was unheard of, and her relationships and sexuality were as revolutionary as her writing. This is a powerful and unique remembering of how one woman's
life revealed itself to her.
*Revolutionary Letters by Diane di Prima .gif)
*Pieces of a Song: Selected Poems by Diane di Prima .gif)
City Lights Publishers (January 1, 2001)
*Loba (Poets, Penguin by Diane di Prima .gif)
first released in 1978
This epic poem, originally published in 1978 as a work in progress (eight parts) in a nicely illustrated edition, appears here (pub.August 1, 1998) in its completed form (16 parts) for the first time.
* Dinners & Nightmares by Diane di Prima
Last Gasp; 3 edition (July 1998)
*Seminary Poems Floating Island Publications (May 1991)
Collected Poems of Lenore Kandel
By Lenore Kandel;
Foreword by Diane di Prima
North Atlantic Books (April 10, 2012)
Lenore Kandel was one of the greatest poets of the Twentieth Century. Jack Keroack modelled a character after her in Big Sur (1962). Beatniks chanted her poetry from the rooftops of San Francisco.
* My Father's Love, Vol I: Portrait of the Poet as a Young Girl
(Volume 1) by Sharon Doubiago .gif)
* Wild Ocean Press (October 31, 2009)
Doubiago's memoir is a breathtakingly honest and poignant account of the her struggle to come to terms with sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her father, as well as its seeming acceptability in both her family and the world at large.
*Love on the Sreets by Sharon Doubiago
* Hard Country by Sharon Doubiago
~ 4TH San Francisco San Francisco
Poet Laureate Emeritus poet laureate.
* All That's Left (San Francisco Poet Laureate Series) by Jack Hirschman
Jack Hirschman is a San Francisco poet, translator, and editor. His powerfully eloquent voice set the tone for political poetry in this country many years ago. Since leaving a teaching career in the 60s, Hirschman has taken the free exchange of poetry and politics into the streets where he is, in the words of poet Luke Breit, "America's most important living poet." He is the author of numerous books of poetry, plus some 45 translations from a half a dozen languages, as well as the editor of anthologies and journals. Among his many volumes of poetry are Endless Threshold, The Xibalba Arcane, and Lyripol (City Lights, 1976).
*The Last American Valentine
by Jack Hirschman
an anthology of exhilarating modern love poetry. Each author has been paired up with some of the best American graphic designers for this annual collection of stunning work. Featuring acclaimed authors, musicians and barflys such as MICHAEL MCCLURE JACK HIRSCHMAN MINDY NETTIFEE RICHARD SWIFT NATHAN WILLET (cold war kids) RICK LUPERT BRENDAN CONSTANTINE BEAU SIA AGNETA FALK MICHAEL ROBERTS MICHAEL C FORD BUDDY WAKEFIELD AMBER TAMBLYN JOHN GARDINER CRISTIN OKEEFE APTOWICZ SHAPPY SEASHOLTZ ROGER BONAIR AGARD LYNNE PROCOPE VICTOR INFANTE DERRICK BROWN 216 pages.
*Only Dreaming Sky: Poems Jack Hirschman
San Francisco's award-winning Poet Laureate Jack Hirschman reveals his lighter, humorous side with this new book.
"Poetry is really a weapon. It's a spiritual weapon for the transformation of the world. And, of course, all my poems are love poems. The nicest thing in the world isto propagandize for love." -Jack Hirschman.
*Art on the Line: Essays by Artists About the Point Where Their Art & Activism Intersect by Jack Hirschman
Cultural Writing. "Art on the Line" is a collection of essays by writers and artists from the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa who believe art can move people to action and speaking about where their own social commitment and their art intersect.
*In Danger: A Pasolini Anthology a newly released collection of Pasolini's writings
edited and introduced by Jack Hirschman
*San Francisco Beat: Talking with the Poets
by David Meltzer
An essential archive of the Beat Generation, a rich moment in a fortunate place. America, somnolent, conformist, and paranoid in the 1950s, was changed forever by a handful of people who refused an existence of drudgery and enterprise, opting instead for a life of personal, spiritual, and artistic adventure. In these intimate, free-wheeling conversations, a baker's dozen of the poets
of San Francisco talk about the scene then and now, the traditions of poetry, and about anarchism, globalism, Zen, the Bomb, the Kabbalah, and the Internet.
*Beat Thing by David Meltzer
Author DAVID MELTZER began his literary career during the Beat heyday in San Francisco, reading poetry to jazz accompaniment at the famous Jazz Cellar. He is the editor and author of many books of poetry, including Arrows: Selected Poetry 1982–1992. He teaches in the Humanities and graduate Poetics programs at the New College of California. He lives in the Bay Area.
A Tribute to David Meltzer
*David's Copy: The Selected Poems of David Meltzer
David's Copy, released in 2005, is the first major collection of Meltzer's poetry in nearly ten years. It spans a career in a bohemian underground rich with diverse social experiments in life and art. Meltzer, the renowned San Francisco beatnik from Brooklyn began his literary career during the beat heyday in San Francisco, reading poetry to jazz accompaniment at the famous Jazz Cellar. This new selected collection gleaned from 30 previous books published over the course of 40-plus years proves why he is one of my very favorite poets and anyone familar with his work will most certainly want
to have this book. If you do not know of David Meltzer, buy
this book and you will discover why so many poetry lovers revere him. David lives in the Bay Area and taught in the graduate Poetics and undergraduate Humanities programs at New College of California.
*Serpent Power/Poet Song David Meltzer ~ Audio CD 25 tracks
David Meltzer reading in Petaluma, CA from Rockpile on Vimeo.

*When I Was a Poet (City Lights Pocket
Poets Series)
by David Meltzer.
fresh off the press!
City Lights Publishers (May 31, 2011)
*Mysteriosos and Other Poems by Michael McClure
New Directions (April 23, 2010)
A spiritual odyssey by preeminent Beat Generation poet Michael McClure.
These new poems explore the last seven years and speak of working toward freedom and beauty during a time of interminable war, and the destruction of our natural surroundings.
Ray Manzarek & Michael McClure: The Third Mind DVD
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Alan Ginsberg, Ray Manzarek, Michael McClure (VI), Jim Carroll
Equal parts documentary and performance film, THE THIRD MIND is former Doors organist Ray Manzarek and legendary Beat poet Michael McClure discussing the impact of Beat poetry on 1960s and '70s music while illustrating their observations with piano-spoken-word collaborations featuring footage of Allen Ginsberg, Jim Carroll, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
Rain Mirror: New Poems
by Michael McClure (Sep 1, 1999)
These poems by McClure are divided into two sections. "Crisis Blossom" records the traumatic aftereffects of a near-fatal airplane accident, following McClure from tarmac to hospital. "Haiku Edge" focuses, Zen-like, on life in Oakland, California, where McClure has lived.
Scratching the Beat Surface: Essays on New Vision from Blake to Kerouac
by Michael McClure (November 1, 1994)
Touching the Edge
by Michael McClure (April 6, 1999)
Antechamber, & Other PoemsAntechamber, and Other Poems
by Michael McClure (April 6, 1999)
I Like Your Eyes Liberty by Terry Riley and Michael McClure (Audio CD - Jan 3, 2005)
The Beard and Vktms: Two Plays by Michael McClure
Love Lion Audio CD by Ray Manzarek and Michael McClure (Aug 21, 1993) out of print but available new and used
Air Transmigra.gif)
A collection of new poems
by San Francisco poet,
John Norton

Tamalpais Walking: Poetry, History, and Prints
Tom Killion (Illustrator)
and Gary Snyder(Author)
The Real Work: Interviews & Talks, 1964-1979
by Gary Snyder .gif)
This book show much of Gary Synder's usual
wit and concision.
The most illuminating remarks in this book pertain to shamanism and poetry. As Synder points out, Shamanism is a world-wide phenomenon, and its core is learning from the nonhuman, "not a teaching from an Indian medicine man, or a Buddhist master. The question of culture does not enter into it. It's a naked experience some people have out there in the woods." Snyder has written about the experience in his poetry and his prose has taught a generation where the documents of shamanism can be found.
* The Gary Snyder Reader: Prose, Poetry, and Translations
by Gary Snyder
Poets on the Peaks: Gary Snyder, Philip Whalen and Jack Kerouac
by John Suiter
* Mountains and Rivers Without End by Gary Synder
* Turtle Island (New Directions Books)
This book won Gary Snyder the Pulitzer back in 1975
* Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems by Gary Snyder
“The world is our consciousness, and it surrounds us. There are more things in mind, in the imagination, than ‘you’ can keep track of—thoughts, memories, images, angers,
delights, rise unbidden. The depths of mind, the unconscious, are our inner wilderness areas.”Gary Synder, the poet, Buddhist, and eco-activist, teacher
* O Powerful Western Star: Poetry & Art In California by Jack Foley
This is not only an engrossing and original book.
It is also–for Californians–a necessary one. Foley’s collection ranks high among the few serious investigations ever written of San Francisco literary culture. It is, however, by no means a conventional study. O Powerful Western Star
is by turns historical, critical, philosophical, visionary, and poetic. It is also often autobiographical. Foley has lived in the Bay Area for nearly four decades, and his insights grow from personal involvement as well as active research. Literary criticism is rarely so intellectually wide-ranging, imaginatively suggestive, or unabashedly personal.
Jack Foley is a widely published poet and critic who for the past several years has hosted a show of interviews and poetry presentations on Berkeley radio station KPFA.
Visions & Affiliations: A California Literary Time Line Part One .gif)
Visions & Affiliations: A California Literary Time Line Part Two .gif)
by Jack Foley (Pantograph Press (March 25, 2011)
* What Book!?: Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop
by Peter Coyote .gif)
Five years in the making, What Book!?: Buddha Poems
from Beat to Hiphop is a major, active anthology of
modern, mindful poetry, featuring over 330
selections from over 125 authors.
* The Trieste Chronicles (Donald S. Ellis Books)
by George Tsongas
Reflecting upon the soul of North Beach's Cafe Trieste, George Tsongas successfully captures the energy of San Francisco's valuable social landmark with The Trieste Chronicles. George has been writing poems, plays, and novels since he arrived in San Francisco in 1945. The 81-year-old poet continues to be a regular at Caffe Trieste and is putting the finishing touches on his new book which will be coming out later this summer. Trieste Chronicles is Out of Print but available used from
... like a finely woven tapestry... Tsongas is one of the true masters of the short poem... -- A.D. Winans, author of San Francisco Streets
* In the Room of Never Grieve:
New and Selected Poems 1985-2003
by Anne Waldman
First Baby Poems by Anne Waldman
This book was begun when Anne Waldman wad spending most of her time with her infant son in a small cabin in the mountains.During that time it felt natural for her to begin writing in the voice of the baby.
One Fast Move or I'm Gone: Music from Kerouac's Big Sur (Deluxe CD/DVD)Box set, Limited Edition]
Jay Farrar,
Benjamin Gibbard
Original Release Date:October 20, 2009
2 Disc ~ Label: Atlantic
Postliterary America: From Bagel Shop Jazz to Micropoetries
by Maria Damon ~ (APRIL 2011)
more poetry at
Allen Cohen Poetry ~
Poetry favorites by Dorothy Parker, Kahlil Gibran, Omar Khayyam,Shakespeare, ee cummings
San Francisco Art and Poetry Event Calendar |