George Tsongas
the city is a dream/is poetry/is the imagination seeking its own harmony
a procedure of mind/soul/spirit/heart/stars/moon/sky/clouds
non-crystalline specific matter & energy emanating from varied sources wherein
all is not one nor one all/wherein the real difference is the similarity
between us all which is a beginning & an end/a culmination/but not a finality/& that all
life surrounds us /is within us and beyond/proliferating on a cosmic scale
that dwarfs the consciousness of exclusive patterns of punishments & reward& speaks to us on vegetarian earth through bay/river/mountain/ocean/soul
& alliterative tongue of human hope/this minimal city built to human scale
to comprehend the mystery/the knowledge/the divinity of the cosmos
& beyond without clutter/without static conceptions & to live
in flux as the agent & reagent of human consciousness
for life is everlasting as is the spirit & conception
whether it be the child/the holy ghost/the daffodil or everlasting naturehere on this magic shore/I leave this temple without walls or paint
or material objects & look to the great ocean whether maritime or celestial/
wherein the great destinies of humanity & consciousness are to be preserved
& propagated & that was what is not humane is not cosmic
for the conception is greater than the act & ventures forth
& builds in the image of death though death is non-existentthereby /I dedicate this soul nurtured in the fecund earth to the awareness
this consciousness I accept
George Tsongas
Thanksgiving 1967
San Francisco
source: San Francisco Oracle #11
Let there be laughter in the temple of god
George Tsongas Obituary
by Carl Nolte, Chronicle Staff Writer - Sun., January 31, 2010
George Tsongas ---- The 90's
George Tsongas - San Francisco Poet
Collection of George Tsongas Visual Poetry
by Carl Nolte, Chronicle Staff Writer
Sunday, January 31, 2010
photo by Peter Chang
I'd like
to remember
the curved
art deco windows
the sun reflecting
off them at sunset
in the morning
a slight lull
a shadow creeping
over the buildings
on the other
side of the streeti'd like
to remember
columbus avenue
at seven minutes
to eight
summer evenings and
seven minutes after seven
© George Tsongas 1981BOOKS by George Tsongas
Smoking Mirror Press
second coming press
cover: self portrait
published by Ellis -
May 2003
"...tightly knit obserbvations that take shape and form like a finely woven tapestry...Tsongas is one of the true masters fo the short poem and this book adds to his already considerable reputation." A.D.Winans, author of San Francisco Streets.
Recently online @, I saw copies of several used Tsongas books included on author autographed used copy of WILD BROCCOLI, he last book ( New World Designs, CA),~