Jane Rades
Coming here at 20
with my new husband
knowing nothing
about the city
about my husband
about myself.
But The City took us in.
We walked the streets
not quite believing
we were here.
City Lights, the library,
it was paradise.
I rode the cable car to work
on foggy mornings.
Always the fog
and so much rain
that first winter
walking to the Art Institute
along Leavenworth Street
getting drenched.
Newly awakened to politics,
huge marches for civil rights
and the war in Vietnam.
and not sure why,
I stayed home from school
sewing, making my clothes.
That’s where I was
the day Kennedy was shot.
I remember laying my head
near the radio
and Jim came home early.
We walked over to St. Brigid’s to pray
and then through Chinatown.
Quiet streets.
Something had changed irrevocably
I knew it.
Kennedy was dead
all of the dreams went with him
A harder new society
drying up
no fun.© Jane Rades
Jane Rades writes about the multiple facets of her life--her travels, her loves, her cat Birdie, her struggle for identity -- with wit, style, grace, and poetic sensitivity. This fountain of words is truly refreshing.
Two Years in the Tarot: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Fortuneteller
For those that expected another insipid self-angrandizing hippy dippy new age yuppie prosaic read. Surprize! This is the real deal. A window into the collective unconscious with a fortunate twist and fresh face. In ordeal of innocence and mastery laid out with humor and insight logic and (secret) harmony suggesting perhaps that the real purpose of the oracular voice is not merely to indicate a certain outcome but to grab our issues by the ear and transform our lives. True to her muse the fluid lucidity and poetic simplicity of Jane's commentary captures perfectly the almost musical magic of each card. Regarding the "Traditional"i nterpretation of the imagery, while the underlying archetypal meaning of the major arcarna and different suits is retained in a technical sense, the form is altered to express the living individual context (or fate).A phantasmagorical trek through the deck that literally left me shaking with pleasure. Both an art book and an intimate testament of one who has truly "been there" and back again.~Jerry Ferraz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The 1969 Tarot
Jane Rades created the designs for this deck from 1969 to 1969. She has recently decided to publish it. This tarot deck is quite original and colorful in both it depictions and text translations. It was created in a time of upheaval and experimentation with new roles and new ideas. The images in this deck reflect that. Jane hopes that those who see these images understand this as a work of art even if you don't believe in divination in general. This was journey for her, a spirit journey for a young woman in her early 20's. She is now mature and sharing all her creative works and seeking to inspire others
Tarot Card Deck -colored pencil - 2 x 5 in. (p. 2013)
complete Tarot Deck of 78 cards with book of instrutions.
Jane Rades is a poet painter and song writer. Born in Wisconsin, she attended University of Wisconsin. She moved to San Francisco in 1963 and got a B.A. in Painting from the San Francisco Art Institute. Jane has have traveled to Mali, Madagascar, Peru, India, France, Germany, England, Mexico, Cambodia, Spain and Turkey. She has exhibited her art at San Francisco Open Studios in 2003 and 2005, and at other local venues, including the Live Worms Gallery in North Beach October, 2009.
Jane Rades has two published poetry books, "A Rosary of Poems, Five Decades", Publisher: Beatitude Press 2009 and recently published "Two Years in the Tarot: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Fortuneteller Both of these books can be purchased directly from the author, Jane Rades. Jane Rades website