Kim Shuck is a poet, weaver, educator, doer of piles of laundry, planter of seeds, traveler and child wrangler. Born in San Francisco in 1966, Ms. Shuck attended San Francisco State University where she received both a Bachelor's (in art) and a Master's in Fine Arts (in textiles) and was a member of the board of directors for Califorina Poets in the Schools. Kim Shuck has taught both at the elementary and college level – teaching Native American studies at SF State University. Proud of her Polish and Sauk and Fox as well as her Cherokee heritage, Kim is a storyteller and poet, drawing from her life experiences. Kim Shuck was Indian editor of.
Susan Deer Cloud and also New Poets of the American West, Lowell Jager..
Kim Shuck encourages and promotes emerging Native writers by organizing spoke word events in the Bay Area. Kim weaves baskets and textiles, using the skills her great-grandmothers shared with her, and she has shown throughout the United States and Taiwan.