I came to San Francisco in 1966 and am happy to say I survived those daze with my mind intact
and my heart expanded. ~ Nicole Savage, S.F.Heart

S.F.Heart is my labor of Love and I have dedicated it to my long lasting love affair with my city, San Francisco, her facts and fancies.

It is filled with the things most meaningful to me, love, poetry, peace, beauty, healing energy, and other things I leave unlisted here for you to discover for yourself... hosts the San Francisco Art and Poetry Event Calendar, quotes about San Francisco, her songs, haunted places and more.

I always enjoy learning more about San Francisco's history, and share my own particular dates of interest on the monthly San Francisco History Calendar.

Sheart  also has the lyrics to the Protest Songs we rallied and danced to in those far ahead days, fond memories of my hippie times and information on a few of the esoteric studies that captured my interest at that time and still do HereNow.

I love books, books were my first friends and has a large selection of recommended books on all subjects pertaining to San Francisco, and the Sixties.
Purchasing books or other items through our affililate links to is a way we get by with the help of our friends.

Above all else S.F.Heart is dedicated to my heart's true motive which is the promotion and practice of Peace and Love.

I feel  a soul's link with all who promote and practice the ideals of Peace and Love, and strive to do my small part, heart to heart, encouraging the transformation which will lead to our evolution and bring about  greater Peace and Love for all who live on Mother Earth. My special project is the production and distribution of Cosmic Cash/Dharma Dollars.

There are no billboards or advertisements for the latest 'must have' items and gadgets to purchase on S.F.Heart.

This is my oasis away from the confusion and delusion of our general American Life and it makes me happy when others enjoy the time they spend here. My wish is that the people who visit S.F.Heart will find as I do, something to sweeten their everyday lives.

Peace and love, Nicole Savage
San Francisco     email

Feel the Magic of Love

   From the cowardice
                   that dare not face new truth

   From the laziness
                    that is content with half truth

   From the arrogance
                    that thinks it knows all truth,

   Light of Love, 

                     Deliver me.



   1. Love has no expectations.

                 Fear is filled with expectations.

   2. Love has no obligations.
                 Fear is full of obligations.

   3. Love has respect,
                  not only for others
                                but also for ourselves.

Fear respects nothing,
                  including itself.

4. Love is patient.  
                  Fear is impatient.

5. Love does not pity.  
                  Fear is filled with pity,
                         especially with self-pity.

6. Love is detached.
                  Fear is filled with attachments
                       and the dread of having to let go.

7. Love is kind.
                 Fear is too self-involved to be kind.

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